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Thursday, March 3, 2011

February Fun

Some fun not yet blogged:

Princess Party - Caitlyn was invited to her first real princess birthday party. I was shocked that despite all the princesses, no one had the same dress. It must have been magic. We cheated and borrowed one from our neighbor as Caitlyn has no godmother. Probably the best part of the day was watching Jamie dance with our Cinderella.

Lord I Lift Your Name on High - the children's choir invited the preschool choir to sing with them at the end of a church service. I was rather proud of them!

Monkey Joes - I surprised the kids one Friday by taking them to Monkey Joes, aka the loudest place on earth. An even bigger surprise occurred when I spotted Caitlyn's twin friends from church. Their grandma bought Caitlyn an Icee that really went well with my pants and shoes. (Yes, I'm the one that spilled it.) When we went back that afternoon the kids easily made friends with strangers, so it was still fun.

Visiting my parents - We had a fun few days of playing, sentence diagramming, and even attending my niece's practice spelling bee.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, fabulous, absolutely marvelous post! And by the way, I LOVED IT!
