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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Celebrating Easter - Part 1

Jamie had been sick, and the kids and I were going stir crazy in the house. Why else would I venture out in the rain to attend a community Easter egg hunt? I hate being cold, being wet, and dealing with candy in the house. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and I didn't buy those raincoats for nothing! The egg hunt was divided by age groups, so Cailtyn helped her little brother get the concept of "hunting" eggs. Has anyone else noticed the trend of "egg hunts" being large volumes of eggs thrown into a field?

Unfortunately for me, there were "prize eggs" that contained golden tickets. Therefore I painstakingly opened each cheap egg in case we had won a big $1 prize. For my trouble I earned nothing but grassy knees and aching fingers.

Unable to resist the call of the bounce houses, Caitlyn took off her crocs and hit the slide. It was miserable. She cried the whole way down and was inconsolable for several minutes. Thankfully the slightly creepy Easter Bunny was there to cheer her up. Needless to say, neither of them bounced in the waterlogged bounce house. Caitlyn requested a pink butterfly from the face painting booth, so little brother wanted the same thing. That picture's definitely going in his wedding slideshow.

After finishing the craft, we decided to head home. The freezing kids jumped directly into the bathtub to warm up. It was a dreary morning, but at least I wasted a couple of hours. I mean... at least the kids had fun and made some lasting memories.

Thankfully the next day's Easter party at church was all indoors. Our teachers are fantastic. The kids sang praise songs with instruments, made a Palm Sunday craft, acted out the triumphal entry, listened to the Easter story, and of course had a snack. Enjoy a couple of videos from the morning:

More Easter pics can be seen by clicking here.

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