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Just another stay at home mom trying to do it all, save the world, and not run out of coffee.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Great Lent Let-go continues

(If you missed the idea behind the
Great Lent let-go, click here.)
I had some great pics of the things I was letting go, but I gave away my iPod. (Just kidding, I left it at my mom's.) I began on Ash Wednesday by searching for something sinful to toss in the trash. This was difficult because I have already gone through movies and cds to purge things I wouldn't let my kids ever watch. I finally spotted some bootleg copies of cds I made to use in class when I taught high school. Some of them would be legal copies of cds I owned, but some were illegal because they were made by my students. Yes! Something illegal! I snapped a pic (take my word for it) and tossed them all in the trash. Even though I went out of town for an overnight trip, I managed to toss or donate at least one thing a day. Some of my other donations included a book to the church library (my daughter realized we had two of them), a book to a child in need, and some clothes. I went behind my children's backs and recycled a giant airplane box that has been hanging around my house since Caitlyn's VBS teacher let her take it home last summer.

My goal is to realize how much I focus on things of the earth and miss things that have eternal significance. I have come to see in the last week how much time I waste doing what amounts to nothing - using facebook, tv, or a book as an escape when I have little time to spend in prayer or Scripture. I am convicted that to be like Jesus I must intentionally take time in prayer alone for extended periods of time. I am not sure how to accomplish this unless I get up at 5:30 each morning, and that is unlikely to happen. But now that the conviction has been shared with you, perhaps I will be more accountable to follow through!

So how is it going with you guys? I know one of you is giving away ONE BAG of things a day. This blows my mind. One of you is wearing only clothes at least a year old to consider how we do not need to shop as much as we do. One of you is using the time to catch up on old unfinished projects. Many are like me and working to at least do one thing a day. We would all love for you to comment below on this or other ways God is working to change your heart!

Here's a cute printable of our key verse if you want to place it somewhere to remember to focus on heavenly treasures this Lenten season.

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