This month I became a baseball mom. Elijah started t-ball, which basically means 3-4 year olds learning which way to go around the bases and throw the ball by starting beside their heads. E likes to stand on 2nd base like Brandon Phillips and talk to everyone who comes by. Of course the most important part of t-ball is the snacks at the end. That was the bribe I used to get the kids to advance to the next base the few times I helped on the field - that and convincing them that no one was watching them. Craziness.

Videos of the superstar:
Elijah learning to throw a baseball
Elijah learning to bat
We continued trying to focus on the Lenten season, and of course I filled up a lot of notecards writing a Bible verse every time I got angry. The end of the school year stress probably didn't help! In the midst of Lent, Daddy decided to finally make the giant gingerbread men he purchased on sale after Christmas. Gross! But everyone had fun, and I threw those babies away as soon as I could!

Caitlyn reading her last story of the year

More videos: The red team field day cheer I composed
Caitlyn's class singing at Parent's Night
Caitlyn and her best friend reciting poetry
The month seemed to speed up rather than slow down after school "ended". We took field trips to learn about military history and farming, held baby goats, hit the Harrisburg Easter egg hunt, hosted my family for Easter weekend, visited an exotic animal park, and attended The Reluctant Dragon at Imaginon.
You can see more pictures from the month by clicking here.
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