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Just another stay at home mom trying to do it all, save the world, and not run out of coffee.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Flashback - Sasha's 14th birthday

My beloved dog Sasha turned 14 last April! Her life expectancy is 10-12, so we are glad to still have her around! She has fishing line instead of tendons on her back knees from two surgeries 5 years ago, and she takes pills like an old human. But every time we think it's the end she perks back up and surprises us! So for her birthday we found a recipe for a doggie birthday cake and baked it. We politely declined to taste the finished product as cottage cheese frosting doesn't hold much appeal to my palate. She wasn't too excited about the birthday candles, but once she realized she was getting some "people food" she was glad to join the party! Maybe we should open a doggie baking business on the side...


  1. Love it!! We celebrate Jake's birthday too even though Jeremy thinks it's stupid.

  2. I hope Jeremy at least plays along! He is Chandler's brother after all!

  3. Wonderful, but why was I not invited to my first grands birthday party?

  4. It was on a Thursday mom, sorry.

  5. Our pets do become a part of our families. Found you through your link at Women Living Well. Many blessings!


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