Here are some of my status updates to further recap the month:

8 August 2013
Love my son who, out of the kindness of his heart, decorated the stairs with toilet paper in honor of my birthday.#cheaperthanstreamers

The day after my birthday - Caitlyn question: So, is it still your birthday?
Me: Not for 364 more days.
C: Oh. Will you still be alive then?
Me: Well, that's the plan.
C: Good, because if you die the only person to take care of us will be Daddy! (concerned look)
17 August 2013
Happy 4th birthday to my sweet Elijah! He insists on being called his full name, likes to kiss but not be kissed, cracks us up with made up phrases like "Pasaquesetz?", calls me his "dynamite gal", makes the best faces, and certainly wants things his way. We love him so much!

21 August 2013
Today Caitlyn was asking me about heaven and if we would die again once we were there. I replied that the Bible says that in heaven there is no more death, or sickness, or sadness. After a moment she asked, "What do you think Granddaddy is doing in heaven?" I replied, "I don't know, what do you think?" She answered, "Probably talking to Jesus."
Love her. Miss him.
23 August 2013
"Meredith and I were looking at a Justin Beiber magazine at the pool. The kids in my class were talking about him before. I didn't know who they were talking about, but I just pretended. One time I said, 'I'm going to marry Justin Beiber!'" (breaks into peals of laughter)
(dramatic pause)
(dramatic pause)
"Actually at first I was pretty sure they were talking about a beaver."
8-17 - Click for Elijah's Happy Birthday video
8-21 - Click for a video of Caitlyn singing at her Mission Friends graduation
8-29 - Click for a video of Elijah eating Chinese noodles
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