Caitlyn celebrated her actual 7th birthday with lunch at Chick-fil-A where I stressed an employee out beyond belief by bringing in my own cupcakes and not pre-booking a party. I mean, I did offer them to the surrounding random children! Her neighbor buddies did double homework the night before so they could come play that afternoon.
The whole family enjoyed the Yiasou Greek festival. Mommy loved the culture, lectures, and worship music. Daddy loved the food. Caitlyn loved the dancing. Elijah loved the amusement rides.
Caitlyn started gymnastics. She's been wanting to for a while, and I wish I had started her earlier so she would be more flexible. Her balance is great, but we'll see how long we stick with it.
Our friend invited us to the preschool day at the Cabarrus County Fair. It was perfect in my eyes - all the education with none of the rides or junk food open! The pig races were a hit and have been reenacted many times in our house.
Click here for more September pictures.
Click here for a video from C's birthday morning.
Click here for a video of the kids jamming to their leappads.
Click here for another video of the kids jamming to their leappads.
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